The report, “Cinco preguntas frequentes acerca Cuba, Estados Unidos y la normalización”, a special contribution by Mr. Rafael Hernández to the most recent issue of the JALAC’ quarterly journal (Latin America jihou, Spring 2015, Number, 1410). In this article, Mr. Hernández, renowned Cuban political scientist and Editor of the magazine, “Temas” (http://temas.cult.cu/), provides Cuban specialist views on the ongoing normalization process between the Cuba and the United States, by answering five commonly-asked questions. His answers to these questions do not necessarily coincide with those of US analysts. JALAC has decided to reproduce the entire article in its original language, Spanish.
The article examines the Cuba-US normalization issue by asking five different but interrelated questions: for instance, “the normalization why now?”, “what is the likelihood of normalization? “Is it possible to make progress in the normalization process without the embargo lifted?” The article provides non-standard answers to these and other questions, from a Cuban political scientist view.
You can download this article as below.
Article: “Cinco preguntas frequentes acerca Cuba, Estados Unidos y la normalización”