Japan Model of Economic Partnership:Opportunities for Latin America Opportunities for Latin America - 一般社団法人 ラテンアメリカ協会

Japan Model of Economic Partnership:Opportunities for Latin America Opportunities for Latin America

JALAC is pleased to present to a wider JALAC community an abridged and
revised version of the power-point presentation (PPT) entitled “Japan Model
of Economic Partnership: Opportunities for Latin America” by Dr. Akio
Hosono, JALAC’s Vice Chairman and Senior Research Advisor of JICA Research
Institute. A full and preliminary version of this PPT presentation was
originally presented at the international seminar, “Japan-Latin America
Relations: Then and Now”, cohosted by Inter-American Dialogue (IAD),
September 17th, 2015, in Washington D.C. USA. Dr. Hosono later presented
the same presentation in a JALAC seminar October 22nd in Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Hosono’s insightful presentation caught attention of the seminar
participants and was appraised by many as an important analysis, which
synthesizes Japan’s engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
over the last five decades and points out several future research
directions. How has Japan-LAC relationship evolved over the years? What has
been the special features and characteristics of Japan engagement that are
different from those of other countries and regions in LAC? To what extent
has the cooperation with Japan promoted economic growth and development of
the LAC region? Dr. Hosono provides answers to these questions by
presenting a “Japan Model of Economic Partnership with LAC”, which can be
summarized into the following five features: 1) long-term partnership; 2)
high priority on investment on human capital; 3) large investment
spill-overs in technology transfer and employment creation; 4) a unique
presence centered on the ODA-trade-FDI nexus; and 5) Japan’s approach to
EPAs, that goes well beyond conventional FTAs. Dr. Hosono considers future
relations between Japan and LAC will evolve around this model.

【Report】Click Here