JALAC Articles - 一般社団法人 ラテンアメリカ協会 - Page 2

JALAC Articles

Informe sobre el comercio exterior del Uruguay de mayo de 2020


Departamento de Negocios Internacionales e Integración Universidad Católica del Uruguay informe_dnii_enero_-_m […]

Inter-American Development Bank: ‘Policies to Fight the Pandemic’ 2020 Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report


The novel coronavirus is taking a huge toll across the world, and governments in Latin America and the Caribbe […]

Report “Japanese Engagement with LAC: Advancing Relations in an Era of Uncertainty” Akio Hosono, Margaret Myers


The Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (JALAC) and the Inter-American Dialogue have publishe […]

“Reappraisal of Japan-LAC Trade and Investment Relations Amid China’s Ascendance” by Mikio Kuwayama


JALAC recently celebrated with the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD), a prestigious think tank in Washington D.C., […]

“Pacific Alliance: A Latin American Version of Open Regionalism in Practice” by Mikio Kuwayama


This paper will argue that the favorable balance and world appraisal of the eight years of existence of the Pa […]

Special Paper Contributed by Dr. Mikio Kuwayama to Private Roundtable Meeting in the JALAC and Inter-American Dialogue Joint Seminar held in Washington D.C. during December 11-12, 2018


JALAC celebrates with the Inter-American Dialogue its fourth international seminar “Japan and LAC:Forging Qual […]

“Cómo hacer que los seminarios para promover inversiones sean exitosos (Consejos para colaboradores relacionados con la promoción de inversiones en Latinoamérica)” By Teiji Sakurai (Director de la AJALAC)


■Cómo hacer que los seminarios para promover inversiones sean exitosos (Consejos para colaboradores relacionad […]

“Expanding Japan Cooperation in South America” wrote Mr. Eliezer Batista, Former Brazilian Minister of Mining and Energy for the JALAC’s Journal, Latin America Quarterly (Spring 2017 Issue).


Mr. Eliezer Batista, Honorary President, the Brazil-Japan High Level Group, Former Brazilian Minister of Minin […]

“Research for what? Development and diversification of Latin American area studies in Japan” Dr. Takahiro Miyachi, Graduate School of Global Studies Tokyo University of Foreign Studies


“How have the Latin American Area Studies in Japan evolved over the years?” Dr. Takahiro Miyachi, Associate Pr […]

The Inter-American Dialogue’s Report “A New Phase in Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations”


The Inter-American Dialogue and the Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (JALAC) are pleased t […]