News - 一般社団法人 ラテンアメリカ協会 - Page 4


Entrevista con el Embajador de Guatemala en Japón


El Excelentisímo Señor Embajador Cristóbal Adalberto HERRERA DUBÓN concedió una entrevista por escrito para la […]

Informe sobre el comercio exterior del Uruguay de mayo de 2020


Departamento de Negocios Internacionales e Integración Universidad Católica del Uruguay informe_dnii_enero_-_m […]

Multilingual website has been opened on COVID-19 ​News & Information in Japan.


COVID-19 ​News & Information in Japan, a multilingual website has been newly launched by a group of stude […]

Entrevista con el Embajador de Honduras en Japón


El Excelentisímo Señor Embajador Héctor Alejandro Palma Cerna concedió una entrevista por escrito para la revi […]

Inter-American Development Bank: ‘Policies to Fight the Pandemic’ 2020 Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report


The novel coronavirus is taking a huge toll across the world, and governments in Latin America and the Caribbe […]

Report “Japanese Engagement with LAC: Advancing Relations in an Era of Uncertainty” Akio Hosono, Margaret Myers


The Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (JALAC) and the Inter-American Dialogue have publishe […]

JALAC: Interview with the Ambassador of Brazil to Japan, H.E. Mr. Eduardo Paes Saboia


His Excellency Ambassador of Brazil to Japan, Mr. Eduardo Paes Saboia gave a written interview for the magazin […]

“Reappraisal of Japan-LAC Trade and Investment Relations Amid China’s Ascendance” by Mikio Kuwayama


JALAC recently celebrated with the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD), a prestigious think tank in Washington D.C., […]

Japan-Peru Economic Forum & 13th Japan-Peru Business Council


August,2019 Dear Sirs, Japan Peru Business Committee Chairman Shoei Utsuda This year marks the 120th anniversa […]

¿Cómo alcanzaron el éxito los vinos chilenos en el mercado japonés?」Teiji Sakurai


Nos complace informarles que hemos traducido el informe del día 15 de abril titulado como “ ¿Cómo alcanzaron e […]